On October 14, 2022 we held out first BC Consensus Day. Our keynote speaker, Dr. Elizabeth Plant spoke on: Toxic Brain Injury: A Hidden Epidemic Within the Drug Toxicity Crisis Below you will find a great overview of the events and the outcomes. Watch the Recording...
About Brain injury
Year Two: Exploring the Intersections of Mental Health, Addictions, and Brain Injury with a focus on Intimate Partner Violence and Brain Injury.
This second year the focus was on brain injury as a result of intimate partner violence (IPV). We heard from a panel about the significance and importance of identifying intersections between populations living with brain injury, learned about research and screening...
Year Three: The final of three BC Consensus Days
The final of three BC Consensus Days brought together 160+ participants from around the province in concurrent in-person and virtual meeting spaces. Year 3 focused on the significance of stable housing for those living with brain injury. This focus was identified as a...
Quality of Life after Brain Injury
UBC researchers and community stakeholders have published a paper on the Priorities for Quality of Life After Brain Injury and an informative infographic. It is known that individuals who have sustained a brain injury may experience changes to their quality of life...
Ten Priorities for Research Addressing the Intersections of Brain Injury, Mental Health and Addictions: A Stakeholder‐Driven Priority‐Setting Study
The research team from the BC Consensus on Brain Injury, Mental Health and Addictions have published a study on a health research priority-setting process. This process aimed to identify, prioritize, and produce a community-driven list of research questions addressing...
Brain Injury after Overdose is a Hidden Epidemic
Dr. Mauricio Garcia-Barrera (UVic) and Cole Kennedy, PhD Student (UVic) address the ongoing toxic drug crisis as a hidden epidemic: brain injuries resulting from overdoses in this article. Survivors of these overdoses often suffer from acquired brain injuries (ABI),...
Reinforcing Communities
Care should be focused on needs, not on diagnosis, as diagnostic-focused care perpetuates gaps and silos In this final event, Dr John Higenbottam, Faculty Emeritus, Douglas College, Clinical Professor, Department of Psychiatry, UBC, and Editor in Chief, Canadian...
Research and Prevention
For every one NHL player who suffers a concussion in sport, more than 5,500 Canadian women sustain the same injury from domestic violence. The Research and Prevention session featured reports from three different researchers. It began with an overview of the national...
Rehabilitation & Community Supports
“The longer people are disconnected from supports, the harder it is to get them connected.” The Rehabilitation and Community Supports speakers provided a snapshot of services for individuals living with the intersections of mental health, addictions, and brain injury...
We’ve created a series of infographics that you can download and share to help to bring awareness on the intersections of brain injury, mental health, and addictions. For Decision Makers approximately 230,000 Canadian women suffer from a brain injury as a result of...